Sleep Apnea – Types and Risk Factors

Sleep Apnea – Types and Risk Factors

Sleep apnea is a type of sleep disorder where breathing stops and starts consistently. Due to this, the individual is unable to get good quality sleep. This condition is serious and, if left untreated, it can be fatal. But, despite it being a common sleep disorder, there is a general lack of awareness about this condition. Let’s discuss the types of sleep apnea and the risk factors to get better clarity of this disorder. Different types of sleep apnea There are three different types of sleep apnea that affect individuals across the world. These include: 1. Obstructive sleep apnea Obstructive sleep apnea is the most commonly occurring type of sleep apnea. In this type, individuals are unable to breathe due to their upper airway being entirely or partially blocked. This blockage is induced when the soft tissue in the back of the throat collapses while sleeping. 2. Central sleep apnea This is the second type of sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea is caused due to poor or lack of communication between the brain and the muscles that control breathing. 3. Complex/Mixed sleep apnea This type, as the name suggests, is a combination of both obstructive and central sleep apnea. It is also known as treatment-emergent central sleep apnea.
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UTI – Symptoms and Diagnosis

UTI – Symptoms and Diagnosis

Urinary tract infections, commonly known as UTIs, are infections in the urinary tract that are caused due to bacteria or fungus. These infections are common among many individuals worldwide and can affect the urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys. In this article, we shall break down the symptoms and ways to diagnose UTIs. 1. Symptoms of urinary tract infections (UTIs) The symptoms of UTIs can vary depending on the organ or part of the tract that is affected. It can also vary based on the gender of the individual. When a lower part of the tract is affected, the symptoms could include the following: Burning sensation while urinating Blood in the urine Brownish urine that looks like tea Pain in the pelvis or rectum A strong odor of the urine An increase in the frequency of urination It is important to note that the urethra or bladder is affected when the lower part of the tract is infected. When the upper part of the tract is affected, symptoms could include the following: Chills and fever Nausea and vomiting Pain in the upper back or sides of the body Upper tract infections can affect the kidneys and can be life-threatening. This is because the bacteria from the kidneys can move into the blood.
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5 Common Signs of Prostate Cancer

5 Common Signs of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a very common type of cancer, which is observed in the prostate gland in men. Depending on the type of cancer, prostate cancers could either slowly develop with minimal metastasis, or it could develop and spread throughout the body in an aggressive manner. Usually, older people with a genetic history of prostate cancer are more susceptible to developing one. Treatment options for prostate cancer include surgery and medications such as xtandi, relugolix, erleada, lupron, and enzalutamide. While in the initial stages, a person may not experience any symptoms whatsoever, over time, there may be some signs that can be observed as the cancer develops. 1. Urinary Problems Since the prostate gland is present under the urinary bladder and envelops the urethra, any condition affecting the prostate gland ends up showing symptoms in the excretory system. Prostate cancer may cause urinary symptoms such as frequently feeling the urge to urinate, reduced flow of urination, and having some difficulty or discomfort in urination. In more advanced cases, a person may also observe some blood in the urine; this symptom is also called hematuria. Some people may also experience incontinence, i.e., inability to hold urine for long periods of time.
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10 Causes of Overactive Bladder

10 Causes of Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder is when a person frequently experiences an urgent need to urinate. It is commonly observed among the elderly. However, it can occur to anyone. Generally, men who have preexisting prostate issues and women experiencing menopause are at a higher risk. Here are a few main causes of overactive bladder. 1. Weak pelvic muscles This is generally observed in women during or after pregnancy and post-childbirth. The pelvic muscles are stretched out and thus, become very weak. Because of this, the bladder begins to sag over time. The urethra opening also stretches out, leading to an overactive bladder. 2. Nerve system diseases A few health conditions can disrupt the nerve signals. Due to this, the signals from the brain to the bladder may cause urination at the wrong time. Stroke, MS, diabetes, Parkinson’s, and so on are some of the health conditions that can cause overactive bladder. Trauma or injury due to back or pelvic surgery, herniated disc, or radiation may also lead to nerve damage causing overactive bladder. 3. Medications Certain medications can affect the nerves. The nerves become dull, impacting the signals sent to the brain. Caffeine and diuretics can also have this effect on the nerves.
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Treatment Options for Cold Sores

Treatment Options for Cold Sores

Cold sores are a common viral infection that affects individuals worldwide. These sores are tiny blisters that appear on the lips or around the mouth. They typically heal on their own within two to four weeks. But, some individuals experience cold sores often, which can lead to discomfort. In this article, we shall discuss the different modes of treating cold sores. Medication for cold sores It is important to remember that there is no cure for cold cores. But there are many methods to prevent outbreaks. One of the most common solutions is over-the-counter medications. Here are a few of them: 1. Ointments Sometimes, cold sores can quite bothersome and cause pain or bleeding. In such cases, patients use ointments and creams. These ointments are typically antiviral and are most effective when applied as soon as the cold sore appears. Patients should use them multiple times a day for a minimum of four days. 2. Oral medications Besides ointments, one can also opt for oral antiviral medications such as acyclovir and valacyclovir. These are prescription medicines and should be best tried after all other remedies have failed to work. Doctors may prescribe this treatment for cold sores if the disease occurs frequently and leads to complications.
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4 Lifestyle Tips to Help Manage Depression

4 Lifestyle Tips to Help Manage Depression

Depression is a mental health illness that can sap one’s energy and bring about a feeling of hopelessness. That said, there are tons of ways to help combat the condition. From therapy to anti-depression medication and home remedies, several things can help ease depressive symptoms. This article focuses on how to manage depression by making simple lifestyle changes: 1. Get the sleep schedule right One of the most challenging yet vital ways of tackling depression is to get the right amount of sleep. Lack of sleep or trouble sleeping could be a symptom of depression, but poor sleep can also worsen the other signs and symptoms of this condition if left untreated. So, how can one overcome this? One can start by making small changes to their lifestyle, like avoiding gadgets and screen time before going to bed, not taking long naps during the day, and setting a fixed routine for bedtime. Taking up soothing and calming exercises like meditation can also help clear the mind and ensure quality sleep. 2. Follow a routine Another effective way to manage depression without medication is for patients to try to follow a fixed routine. Persistent loss of interest and sadness associated with the condition typically hinders one’s daily life and can also affect their physical health.
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Hemorrhoids – Types and Their Symptoms

Hemorrhoids – Types and Their Symptoms

Hemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, are swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum. They lie just beneath the mucous membranes. They can develop inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or around the anus (external hemorrhoids). They are one of the most common causes of rectal bleeding, and three out of four adults experience this condition at least once in their lives. Fortunately, most of the time, hemorrhoids go away on their own. The exact cause of hemorrhoids is difficult to determine. According to experts, it occurs when a person has chronic constipation or exercises too much pressure during a bowel movement. It can also happen when an individual sits for a long time on the toilet seat. All of these activities stop the blood flow from the anus, leading to swelling of the vessels. Hemorrhoids are also common during pregnancy since the uterus is enlarged and presses against the veins. Other causes include chronic diarrhea, old age, and eating less fiber in daily meals. Being overweight can also put pressure on the tissues and cause hemorrhoids. Mentioned below are the types of hemorrhoids and their symptoms: 1. Internal hemorrhoids These are not visible and occur inside the rectum. Internal hemorrhoids often result in painless bleeding when one has a bowel movement.
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5 Hyperhidrosis Home Remedies

5 Hyperhidrosis Home Remedies

Hyperhidrosis causes heavy sweating. Due to this, the palms, face, underarms, and feet may constantly be clammy. Some even experience compensatory sweating in other parts of their body. While in severe cases one may need medication, it is also possible to treat the condition at home. Accordingly, here are a few home remedies for hyperhidrosis that can be used. 1. Tea tree oil application This aromatic oil has tons of health benefits. From relieving stress to alleviating hyperhidrosis symptoms, tea tree oil is one of the best home remedies. To deal with excessive sweating, soak a few skin-friendly cotton balls into tea tree oil. Make sure to dilute the oil in water to avoid irritation and inflammation. Rub the soaked cotton balls on the sweat-prone areas of the body. Wash it off after a while. 2. Mixture of salt and lime A concoction of lime and salt may sound a bit harsh for the skin. However, it has been found to be quite effective in treating hyperhidrosis at home. Mix some fresh lime juice with about some salt. Rub this mixture on the areas of the body that are highly prone to sweat. As the solution is highly acidic, make sure to do a skin test before using it.
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8 Common Melanoma Complications

8 Common Melanoma Complications

Melanoma is one of the most common types of cancer. It is curable if the condition is diagnosed early. Advanced melanoma, however, is difficult to cure and can result in several complications. This can be anything from scarring, to changing of skin color, to more fatal results. This article discusses 8 common complications of melanoma, after the patient has undergone treatment. 1. Post-surgery wound infection One of the major complications of melanoma is the risk of wound infection after surgery. Staph infection is often observed in those who have undergone melanoma surgery. Badly controlled diabetes, immune disorders, obesity, and use of steroids often increase the risk of complication due to wound infection. 2. Hematoma This is a condition that cause bleeding under the surface of the skin. Hematoma leads to a mass forming under the skin, which puts strain on the incision made during the surgery. This results in the wound breaking open, leading to serious complications. Using blood thinners or undergoing extreme physical activities increases the risk of hematoma. 3. Scarring Melanoma is generally treated with surgery, which leaves behind scars that may go deeper into the skin. This is because, during the surgery, healthy cells are also extracted along with the cancerous cells.
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6 Common Causes and Treatments for Osteoporosis

6 Common Causes and Treatments for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disorder that causes the bones to become weak. Due to this, the bones become highly susceptible to fractures and breakage. Doctors often prescribe drugs like evinity, forteo, prolia mentioned as treatments. Osteoporosis can occur suddenly, as the disease is debilitating and slowly progresses over time. There are hardly any symptoms or signs to indicate osteoporosis, until a fracture occurs. Osteoporosis can occur due to a lot of reasons. Here are a few of them 1. Thyroid  In many cases, hyperthyroidism has been associated with increased instances of bone loss. Any type of thyroid condition can increase the risk of osteoporosis. Moreover, those on thyroid medication may be also susceptible to weak and fragile bones that fracture easily. In such cases, vitamin D and calcium supplements need to be taken as per prescription to prevent the condition from becoming severe. 2. Unhealthy lifestyle Often, unhealthy lifestyle choices can lead to the slow degradation of bone health, thereby leading to osteoporosis. For instance, drinking too much alcohol can affect bone growth and cause calcium loss. In addition, excessive smoking has been known to lower the density of the bones. Also, nicotine can have a toxic effect on the cells of the bones, increasing the risk of osteoporosis.
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