Avoid These Triggers of Atopic Dermatitis

Avoid These Triggers of Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis, widely known as eczema, is a condition that makes the skin itchy and red. It’s mainly common among children, but it could occur at any age. The most common symptom of atopic dermatitis is itching on the arms and behind the knees. This long-lasting illness is associated with flare-ups, and one must note the possible aggravators of atopic dermatitis. This article shares a list of triggers that can cause a flare-up if not controlled. 1.   Hot water While hot water may feel relaxing by relieving the symptoms of dermatitis, not many are aware that prolonged exposure to it can rip the skin of its natiral oils, causing the skin to become dry. Any dry skin is prone to itching, and for people with eczema, the intensity may increase. 2. Synthetic fabrics Fabrics like polyester, nylon, rayon, spandex, and latex can irritate the skin and trigger an atopic dermatitis flare-up. Avoid fabrics that don’t let your skin breathe, especially during summers. Light, cotton cloth materials and layers should work perfectly well. 3. Avoid scented items Perfumes, air fresheners, and scented candles should be avoided if you want to steer clear of an eczema flare-up. These scented products are one of the most common aggravators of atopic dermatitis.
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Symptoms and Causes of PAH

Symptoms and Causes of PAH

Pulmonary artery hypertension or PAH is a condition in which one’s lungs and heart are affected. Due to the narrowed arteries (blood carriers from the heart to the lungs), the blood pressure increases and strains the right ventricle. If left untreated, PAH can lead to severe consequences such as heart failure. Understanding early signs and their possible causes may increase awareness and help a doctor for better diagnosis. Now let’s understand the causes and symptoms of PAH. Symptoms The symptoms of pulmonary artery hypertension tend to develop gradually and may go unnoticed for years. However, as the condition worsens, the symptoms aggravate in time. Some of the common symptoms of PAH are: 1. Breathlessness One may experience shortness of breath, especially during exercise. Eventually, breathlessness may be noticed even when one is at rest. 2. Heart palpitations In PAH, the heart works twice as hard to pump blood. Due to this, one may experience irregular heartbeats. 3. Weakness and tiredness As the muscles get less efficient at pumping blood, they work harder to get the job done. This tires down a person and causes fatigue and shortness of breath. 4. Bluish skin and lips The blood transports oxygen throughout the body.
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7 Common Causes of ED in Young Men

7 Common Causes of ED in Young Men

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get an erection or being able to maintain one. This usually happens to men in their old age, but it’s a problem when it occurs among young men. There are many underlying conditions that can cause temporary ED among men, but when the symptoms persist, it might be time to look for causes and ways to treat it. This article lists the physical and psychological causes of ED. 1. Lack of blood flow The most common reason for an inability to have an erection is the lack of blood flow in the pelvic region. It could be linked to underlying diseases that restrict blood circulation across the entire body or lower body. 2. Hormonal disorders The most common cause of ED is low levels of testosterone. Another hormone that could play a key role in ED includes prolactin, which is produced by the pituitary gland. Excess production of this hormone can lead to erectile dysfunction. Also, people with thyroid may easily be prone to ED since a fluctuation in the thyroid hormones could cause many underlying issues. 3. Steroids Young adults who use steroids to build muscles or take steroids to treat any given health condition are more prone to manifest ED at a young age.
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Signs of Acute and Chronic Hepatitis C

Signs of Acute and Chronic Hepatitis C

The hepatitis C virus or HCV is the inflammation of the liver that can affect its primary function. Hepatitis C virus is the most severe form of the virus and has two courses. The first is acute hepatitis C which lasts a few months. However, it can lead to the second course, which is severe and chronic. In this article, we have listed the signs and symptoms of hepatitis C. 1. Common symptoms of HCV There are common symptoms that occur in both acute and chronic and last longer. Owing to their prolonged presence, these symptoms turn severe as they enter the chronic phase of the virus. The most common signs and symptoms of hepatitis C are fatigue, jaundice, decreased appetite, and joint pain. These symptoms can also include fever, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, muscle pain, and even diarrhea. 2. Rare symptoms of HCV These symptoms result from the dysfunction of the liver and are less common. A person would notice such symptoms of the HCV infection not just in one but both the acute and chronic stages. Weight loss A person can lose weight due to several effects from the HCV infection. Fatigue, nausea, and vomiting tend to deteriorate a person’s appetite.
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7 Tips for Getting Sleep Despite Chronic Pain

7 Tips for Getting Sleep Despite Chronic Pain

Getting adequate rest can help the body recover from illnesses, be more energized, and have a productive day. However, sometimes, chronic pain gets in the way of one’s rest. This pain makes getting sleep quite difficult leaves one tired. So, we’ve put together seven tips to help one get the rest they need every night despite chronic pain. 1. Consume Healthy Foods Certain foods may help a person sleep better at night. This includes whole foods, fruits, and carbohydrates such as fatty fish, cherries, and rice. These foods increase one’s serotin levels ajd thus, help them sleep better. One must consult a nutritionist or a doctor to ensure that any new foods do not interfere with any ongoing medication or aggravate allergies. 2. Calming Down Before Sleeping One must calm down before goin to bed as it eases the body and mind, relaxes the muscles, and prepares the body for rest. Breathing exercises, meditation, and tai chi help a person calm down before bed. This can help one deal with chronic pain as well as insomnia. One can also engage on some gentle massage or read a book half an hour before sleeping. 3. Control the Pain Bring able to control one’s pain can help them sleep at night.
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5 Natural Treatments for Cervical Cancer

5 Natural Treatments for Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is treated with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. While these methods are widespread and backed by research, there are also several traditional treatment options for cervical cancer. They are used along with or in place of common practices. Since traditional remedies are not scientifically proven, one needs to speak to their doctor before trying these treatments. Once approved, these may help patients improve their symptoms and feel better on the whole. 1. Herbal therapy The use of herb extracts in the treatment of cervical cancer has been known for several years. Chinese herbal medicine is said to have antitumor properties. It is believed to improve the hemoglobin levels and is also used along with standard practices to improve the latter’s efficacy. However, research is still required to reassure the merits of herbal therapy. Since this is a natural remedy, the side effects are low, and the treatment can benefit the symptoms. 2. Meditation The condition of the mind plays a vital role in recovery from symptoms of cervical cancer. When the mind is calm, the body is stress-free, which keeps the immune system healthy, too. When one’s internal defense mechanism functions effectively, the symptoms related to cancer may improve.
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6 Complications That Arise from Dry Eyes

6 Complications That Arise from Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is a condition in which the eyes do not produce sufficient tears to keep the eyes moist and hydrated. In some cases, the tears that are produced may not be good enough to protect the eyes properly. The condition varies largely from person to person, where one may experience some mild dryness while others may experience an intense, gritty sensation with other symptoms. Complications that may arise after chronic dry eyes syndrome may include: 1. Corneal ulcer The cornea of the eye is a clear, protective outer layer of your eyes that separates the inner eye from the surroundings. Sometimes, due to chronic dry eyes or an injury, the cornea may develop an ulcer. Ulcers are open sores that develop around dirt and other particles that may get in your eye. Since people with dry eyes do not produce enough tears to wash the dirt away, this may result in corneal ulcers. 2. Conjunctivitis When dry eyes remain untreated, this may result in some inflammation of the white part of the eye, which is known as the conjunctiva. This type of inflammation of the conjunctiva is called conjunctivitis; it may cause redness, light sensitivity, and an itchy feeling.
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6 Least Polluted U.S. Cities for Patients with Breathing Issues

6 Least Polluted U.S. Cities for Patients with Breathing Issues

When considering moving to a new city or a new state, people rarely consider the air quality and the number of pollutants found in the air. Air quality can be reduced due to a variety of factors such as transportation, coal-fired power plants, industrial activity, and other human-perpetuated activity. It may also be affected by natural factors such as dust storms and wildfires. In the United States, the following cities are considered to be the safest in terms of air quality. 1. Burlington, Vermont Vermont is considered to be one of the cleanest states in the country. Especially in the city of Burlington, the air quality is considered to be really good. The city has recorded zero days of unhealthy ozone levels in 2019. The amount of year-round pollution and short-term pollution recorded in this city is also considered to be quite low, and the city is constantly working on getting these numbers even lower. 2. Springfield, Massachusetts Due to certain strict regulations maintained by the city, Springfield in Massachusetts has really clean and healthy air. Certain mandated restrictions such as anti-idling laws are effective in minimizing the amount of man-made pollutants that fill the air, making their air cleaner and healthier to breathe.
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6 Common Causes of DVT

6 Common Causes of DVT

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition wherein a blood clot forms in deeper veins. Such blood clots usually occur in the veins of the legs and may often lead to swelling and pain. If the blood clot is mobile, it could move from its site of origin and travel to the body’s vital organs if not treated in time. Aside from common symptoms, such as pain and inflammation, there are hardly any other ways to spot this disease, making timely treatment difficult. It is essential to understand what causes it to prevent the condition. A few common causes of DVT are mentioned below. 1. Age Those, especially men between 45 and 50 years of age, are at a higher risk of developing DVT than others. In general, the chances of a person developing DVT increase as they grow older. 2. Injury or surgery For a person who has dealt with or is recovering from a serious injury to a muscle or a bone in the limbs, it is quite possible that the vein’s inner lining in that region has suffered from some damage. Moreover, patients who have recently had major surgery in the stomach, pelvis, hip, or leg are also susceptible to developing DVT.
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Pancreatic Cancer – Genetics and Hereditary Risk Factors

Pancreatic Cancer – Genetics and Hereditary Risk Factors

The pancreas is responsible for releasing enzymes that break down food molecules into simpler substances and producing hormones that regulate blood sugar levels and appetite. Pancreatic cancer leaves the organ unable to perform these functions, leading to abdominal pain and unintended weight loss. Pancreatic cancer has several causes, but about 10% of all cases result from hereditary factors. One may inherit certain genetic mutations that can cause pancreatic cancer from their parents. 1. How is pancreatic cancer hereditary? Cancers are caused due to mutations in the DNA, which contains genes and is present in each of the body’s cells. These genes carry specific information for cells, and DNA mutations affect this information and cause the cells to malfunction. The mutations can occur due to several factors that one encounters during their lifetime in the case of an acquired mutation. Alternatively, they can be passed from one generation to the next in the case of a germline mutation. Pancreatic cancer can occur due to these mutations. 2. Inherited genetic syndromes linked with pancreatic cancer Pancreatic cancer can also develop due to certain genetic syndromes, including: Ataxia telangiectasia This is an autosomal disease caused by inherited mutations in the ATM gene that adversely affects the functioning of the immune and nervous systems.
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