5 Healthy and Essential Dog Food Ingredients

5 Healthy and Essential Dog Food Ingredients

It’s not that dog parents don’t want to feed nutritious foods to their furry companions. It’s just that most don’t know what ingredients make dog food healthy. Just like humans, when dogs eat foods essential for their health, they naturally tend to live a happier, healthier, and longer life. So, every responsible pet owner must educate themselves on the healthiest ingredients that make up dog foods and choose what’s best for their pet. 1. Meat protein Meat is the healthiest and most essential ingredient in any dog food. It’s packed with proteins and a slew of other nutrients that dogs need for their overall health. It also helps them maintain a healthy weight and keep their joints and muscles strong as they grow older. Experts maintain that pet owners must look for dog foods that contain about 30 percent lean protein. These include chicken, beef, fish, rabbit, and venison, among others. Organs meats, such as kidneys, heart, liver, and gizzard, are also very healthy. Besides protein, they’re rich in essential vitamins like A, B1, B2, B6, B12, and folic acid. Also, keep in mind that the best dog food products will always name the meat source and list them on the top of the ingredients list.
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8 Healthy No-Cook Treats for Dogs

8 Healthy No-Cook Treats for Dogs

Have you found yourself in a situation where you’ve run out of dog treats? If it’s a yes, you’ve come to the right place. And if it is a no, you’ll have something to take back. You don’t need to rush to a nearby pet store to grab some. Just go into your kitchen and mix some ingredients to make some delicious no-cook treats for your pet. This article shares a list of food items that are easily available in the kitchen and work great as pet treats. 1. Peanut butter Yes, moderate consumption of peanut butter is safe for dogs. This healthy fat ingredient can be mixed with oats and turned into balls to reward your furry friends. It’s a neutral ingredient that can be mixed with absolutely anything to enhance the taste. 2. Carrots The taste of this vegetable, which is high in beta carotene, is also appreciated by our four-legged friends. The best part? Carrots need not be cooked; your pets can relish them raw. However, one may have to cut it into bite sizes depending on how your dog chews their food. 3. Green peas Many dog parents widely use this green source of protein to train their pets.
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6 Symptoms of Food Allergies in Dogs

6 Symptoms of Food Allergies in Dogs

Food allergies are common in dogs. In fact, about 10% of all allergy cases in dogs are food allergies. The proteins and compounds found in certain foods are the main problems, as they’re identified as harmful by the animal’s immune system. The immune system, then, triggers a response that causes many visible changes in the dog’s behavior and appearance. Here are some of the important signs of food allergies in dogs to look out for. 1. Itching This is the most common symptom of food allergies in dogs. Dogs suffering from the problem will keep scratching their skin until it becomes red or inflamed. One way to deal with this problem is to stop using shampoos and switch to a natural solution. Bathing or cleaning them with apple cider vinegar or coconut oil can help fight itchy skin. Additionally, clean them regularly as this prevents fleas and ticks from sitting on the animal’s skin. 2. Watery eyes Most dogs suffering from food allergies regularly discharge tears from their eyes. This is a byproduct of repeated scratching and might cause staining near the animal’s eyes too. Fortunately, you can address this problem with minimal effort. All you have to do is soak a piece of cloth in warm water and dab it near the animal’s eyes.
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5 Natural Deterrents for Fleas and Ticks

5 Natural Deterrents for Fleas and Ticks

Natural deterrents for fleas and ticks must always be in hand for those with pets. Indoor, as well as outdoor pets, are prone to these parasites. These create a nuisance as they increase in numbers quite quickly and cause an infestation in the house as well. Thus, creating a risk for both pets and pet owners. To prevent flea and tick infestation, the following measures can be taken. 1. Lemon spray Lemon is used as a versatile home remedy for tons of stuff, including insect bites and ticks and flea infestation. Lemons can be used to make citrus sprays. Boil a pint of water with a slice of lemon in it. Let the solution cool down and leave it aside for a few hours or overnight. Then pour it in a spray bottle and dampen the infested areas of the house with the lemon spray. 2. Salt An easy natural remedy for ticks and fleas is salt. Salt works as a dehydrating substance that can get rid of fleas in the adult stage. Finely ground salt can be sprinkled over carpets and other areas where fleas are common. Leave it for a couple of days. Then run a vacuum thoroughly all over these areas.
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4 Popular Branded Cat Treats to Buy Online

4 Popular Branded Cat Treats to Buy Online

Cats love eating treats, presumably more than dogs. They love to keep themselves occupied nibbling on treats made with the best of lean proteins and seafood, all packed in manageable bite-sized portions. Today, you have several brands that make and sell these treats, so it becomes challenging to pick one that offers a perfect blend of taste and nutrition. We’ve narrowed down your search to these popular crowd favorites to get you started. 1. Temptations™ Cats love fish, so Temptations™ treats made with recipes that feature tuna, salmon, and shrimp as the hero ingredient, are the ideal choice. The crunchy exterior provides a decent bite with a generously stuffed filling of healthy protein-rich fatty fish. You also don’t have to worry about your pets gaining weight as Temptations™ calories per serving is ideal for weight management, even with healthy felines. So, a few bites a day will not hurt. You can buy the Temptations™ 16-oz tub from major online retail outlets for just $8. 2. Friskies Purina® ranks among the top brands for store-bought cat treats and features certain gourmet flavors guaranteed to satisfy curious taste buds. A party mix pack of delicious bite-sized treats offers all the necessary nutrition and flavor.
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6 Essential Accessories for A New Puppy

6 Essential Accessories for A New Puppy

There are few things more exciting than bringing home a new puppy. However, if you are taking on the responsibility of a pet for the first time in your life, it is only natural to feel a little nervous. Ideally, you need to prepare before getting home a furry friend. These will not only help you feel confident but also ensure that your pup gets the best. To help you, here are some essential accessories for bringing home a new pet. 1. Collar, body harness, and leash Dogs, especially younger pups, need to be taken on walks quite often. They are full of energy and need exercise to diffuse some of this energy. Since your new pup is quite probably unfamiliar with their surroundings, in the beginning, they are at risk of running off into traffic or getting lost. Getting the right-sized collar and harness along with a strong and comfortable leash is extremely important to prevent this from happening. Moreover, having an electronic tracker or at least an identification tag on their collar can also help keep track of them. 2. Comfortable crate/bed Crate training your pets is one of the most important things to teach your dog in the earlier days.
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5 Human Foods to Never Feed a Cat

5 Human Foods to Never Feed a Cat

Pet parents often indulge their cats with treats out of love, but feeding a cat anything they purr at can be harmful. Certain vegetables, fruits, and nuts can trigger a severe allergic reaction in cats. Their favorite treats may also contain such ingredients, which is why it is important to check labels. We made a list of foods that are most toxic to cats. Keep your feline friends away from these at all times. 1. Canned tuna This may come off as a surprise, given that most cat breeds are drawn to fish. But canned tuna is bad for your pet. Its mercury content makes it one of the most toxic foods for cats. It also has a high amount of unsaturated fat, which may lead to a deficiency of vitamin E. If your cat is addicted to these fishy chunks or is on a steady diet that consists of tuna in large quantities, then you should speak to a vet about alternatives to meet its nutritional needs. 2. Green tomatoes It is unlikely for a cat to eat a raw tomato due to its unappetizing texture and flavor. But you should ensure that all half-ripe tomatoes are kept out of reach of your case, just in case.
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