7 Foods To Skip For Smooth Sailing

7 Foods To Skip For Smooth Sailing

Cruises can be whatever you want them to be—whether that’s relaxing, luxurious, adventurous, enriching, and so on. However, the last thing you want to be on a cruise is sick, which is why it’s so important to ensure you’re careful about what you eat while you’re afloat. So, whether you’ve done a Turks and Caicos Beaches booking or are setting sail with Silversea Cruises, Princess Cruises, or Mississippi Cruise, ensure your health and safety come first by being aware of what to avoid on the buffet tables. Here are 7 foods to skip for smooth sailing: 1. Cold desserts and treats The dessert section may beckon with sweet temptations, but exercise caution with items requiring refrigeration. Cakes, mousses, and other chilled treats could pose health risks if not kept at the correct temperature. When in doubt, opt for freshly prepared desserts or those with minimal perishable ingredients, ensuring a delightful end to your dining experience. 2. Raw sushi or raw seafood While the allure of sushi bars may captivate your taste buds, exercising caution with raw sushi on cruise buffets is paramount. The challenge lies in maintaining the necessary temperature of 40 degrees or colder for raw foods, and buffet settings make this a challenge.
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7 Best Foods To Help You Sleep

7 Best Foods To Help You Sleep

In the pursuit of a restful night’s sleep, exploring natural sleep aids through diet is an invaluable strategy. While OTC sleep aids like Advil, NyQuil, Tylenol PM, and Excedrin PM may offer temporary relief, incorporating sleep-friendly foods into your diet can be a sustainable approach to improve sleep quality. In this listicle, we unveil seven delicious and nutritious foods that can contribute to better sleep, reducing the reliance on over-the-counter medications. 1. Cherries for natural melatonin Cherries, particularly tart cherries, are a natural source of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Consuming cherries or tart cherry juice may help increase melatonin levels in the body, promoting a more restful and quality sleep. 2. Bananas for magnesium and potassium Bananas are rich in both magnesium and potassium, essential minerals that play a role in muscle relaxation and nerve function. Magnesium, in particular, can help calm the nervous system, making bananas a convenient and nutritious bedtime snack to aid in winding down. 3. Fatty fish with omega-3 fatty acids Fatty fish like salmon and trout are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, known for their numerous health benefits, including sleep promotion. Omega-3s may increase the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that contributes to relaxation and better sleep.
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5 Easy Ways to Keep Food and Leftovers Fresh Longer

5 Easy Ways to Keep Food and Leftovers Fresh Longer

Ever wondered how you can extend the life of your food and leftovers? It’s a common problem that many of us face, but with the right tools and techniques, you can make your food last longer. The secret lies in resealable packaging and the use of Glad Wrap, which are essentials in every kitchen for food preservation. 1. Use resealable packaging The first step to keeping your food fresh for longer is using resealable packaging. These types of packaging are designed to create an airtight seal, preventing the exposure of food to air. This helps to slow down the process of food spoilage, thereby preserving the freshness of your food. Resealable packaging comes in different forms, including zip-lock bags, plastic containers, and glass jars. 2. Wrap with Glad Wrap Glad Wrap is a type of plastic wrap that is commonly used in kitchens for food preservation. It creates an airtight seal around food, preventing the growth of bacteria and the loss of moisture. Wrapping your leftovers with Glad Wrap before storing them in the fridge can significantly extend their shelf life. Plus, it’s transparent, so you can easily see what’s inside. 3. Store food in the right places Where you store your food can also impact its freshness.
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