Early Warning Signs of Pancreatic Cancer and Treatments

Early Warning Signs of Pancreatic Cancer and Treatments

Pancreatic cancer is a condition in which harmful cells form and multiply in the tissues of the pancreas. This important organ is located behind the lower part of your stomach and is responsible for releasing enzymes that aid digestion. It also produces hormones that help manage blood glucose levels. There are times when growths can happen in the pancreas and some can be cancerous tumors. Treatments for pancreatic cancer may include a combination of clinical trials, immunotherapy and medications like Venetoclax, Xeloda, or Leucovorin to help fight cancerous cells. Although you may not notice any symptoms until cancer has grown outside the pancreas, do not ignore these early warning symptoms of pancreatic cancer.

1. Jaundice

This is one of the most important and obvious early warning symptoms of pancreatic cancer. When cancerous tumors form in the pancreas, they block the bile duct and the ingredients of bile accumulate in the blood. This causes your skin and eyes to turn yellow. You will also notice light-colored stools, darker urine, and itchy skin.

2. Abdominal and back pain

The proliferation of harmful cells in the pancreas may also cause pain in the upper abdomen. The pain is usually dull and it travels to the back as well. This happens when the tumor presses the nerves and surrounding organs. The pain may not be constant though, i.e. it will come and go.

3. Early fullness and poor appetite

These are common early warning symptoms of pancreatic cancer. If you have a sense of fullness or satiety after eating a small amount of food, it can be because of pancreatic cancer. Some people also experience uncomfortable swelling in the abdomen.

4. Nausea and vomiting

Pancreatic cancer may also cause nausea and vomiting. These symptoms are usually worsened by eating. When the tumor grows in the pancreas, it presses on the far end of the stomach. This causes a partial blockage, thereby making it difficult for the food to pass. This causes nausea and vomiting soon after eating. You may also experience slight pain in the stomach.

5. Enlarged liver

This is yet another sign of pancreatic cancer. Liver enlargement happens when cancer spreads to the liver and nearby organs. This sign may be difficult to detect without tests.

6. Deep vein thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis or DVT is a condition that causes blood clots in a large vein. This is more common in the legs and it may cause throbbing pain, swelling, and warm, red and darkened skin around the pain area. The veins usually swell up and become hard and sore.

7. Diabetes

Pancreatic cancer can lead to insulin resistance as well as loss of insulin-producing capacity. Both these situations increase the risk of diabetes.

These are some early warning symptoms of pancreatic cancer. If you have been experiencing any one or more of these, you must consult a doctor. However, having any or all or of these signs does not confirm pancreatic cancer. Hence, talk to your doctor and get the necessary tests done as many other conditions can also cause these symptoms.