7 Tips for Getting Sleep Despite Chronic Pain

7 Tips for Getting Sleep Despite Chronic Pain

Getting adequate rest can help the body recover from illnesses, be more energized, and have a productive day. However, sometimes, chronic pain gets in the way of one’s rest. This pain makes getting sleep quite difficult leaves one tired. So, we’ve put together seven tips to help one get the rest they need every night despite chronic pain.

1. Consume Healthy Foods
Certain foods may help a person sleep better at night. This includes whole foods, fruits, and carbohydrates such as fatty fish, cherries, and rice. These foods increase one’s serotin levels ajd thus, help them sleep better. One must consult a nutritionist or a doctor to ensure that any new foods do not interfere with any ongoing medication or aggravate allergies.

2. Calming Down Before Sleeping
One must calm down before goin to bed as it eases the body and mind, relaxes the muscles, and prepares the body for rest. Breathing exercises, meditation, and tai chi help a person calm down before bed. This can help one deal with chronic pain as well as insomnia. One can also engage on some gentle massage or read a book half an hour before sleeping.

3. Control the Pain
Bring able to control one’s pain can help them sleep at night. Physiotherapy, medication, and other relaxation techniques may help one bring their pain under control. One can also consult a sleep therapist or a doctor specializing in chronic pain to find solutions to insomnia and help ease the pain. One can also try put traditional methods such as acupuncture.

4. Cut Down on Caffeine
Caffeine is an element that decreases sleepiness and makes a person more alert. This does not work well, especially if someone is struggling with insomnia. Avoid drinking beverages with caffeine such as coffee, tea, and sodas for atleast six hours before bedtime. This may help wear off the effects of caffeine and help a person fall asleep better.

5. Maintain Good Sleep Habits
Good sleeping habits such as brushing one’s teeth, meditating before sleeping, reading, sleeping and waking up at the same time are a few of the healthy habits one can maintain. Similarly, taking a shower, changing bedsheets on time can also reduce anxiety and help one fall asleep. Avoid napping in the day as that may impair one’s ability to sleep at night.

6. Exercise Regularly
Exercising a few days a week may help one sleep easily. Working out may also alleviate pain and reduce anxiety. One can ensure to exercises a few hours before bed time as working out too late may energize a person, and prevent them from getting the rest they need.

7. Maintain a Sleep Routine
This is a great way to train the brain to fall asleep despite chronic pain. A routine may include waking up and sleeping at a set same time everyday, reading a book everyday before bed time for exactly half an hour, meditating or trying calming exercises, and completing one’s entire bedtime routine at the same time, in the same way, everyday.