7 Common Causes of ED in Young Men

7 Common Causes of ED in Young Men

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get an erection or being able to maintain one. This usually happens to men in their old age, but it’s a problem when it occurs among young men. There are many underlying conditions that can cause temporary ED among men, but when the symptoms persist, it might be time to look for causes and ways to treat it.

This article lists the physical and psychological causes of ED.

1. Lack of blood flow
The most common reason for an inability to have an erection is the lack of blood flow in the pelvic region. It could be linked to underlying diseases that restrict blood circulation across the entire body or lower body.

2. Hormonal disorders
The most common cause of ED is low levels of testosterone. Another hormone that could play a key role in ED includes prolactin, which is produced by the pituitary gland. Excess production of this hormone can lead to erectile dysfunction. Also, people with thyroid may easily be prone to ED since a fluctuation in the thyroid hormones could cause many underlying issues.

3. Steroids
Young adults who use steroids to build muscles or take steroids to treat any given health condition are more prone to manifest ED at a young age. Some medications can also lower the levels of testosterone or have an impact on one’s sexual function. Therefore, it’s important to discuss the side effects with the general physician.

4. Cardiovascular diseases
High blood pressure or clogged arteries can interfere with how the blood circulates through the body, compromising the adequate need for oxygen and essential blood cells. People with underlying heart conditions can be prone to the symptoms of ED.

5. Diabetes
Diabetes is another potential cause of ED. The elevated sugar levels can impact blood vessels and the blood it carries. As a result, it hampers the blood flow to the pelvis region that could lead to ED.

6. Depression
Depression can impact the way one perceives things around them. They may lose interest in activities they once enjoyed indulging in. This could have a significant impact on their sexual drive, and it could show in the form of ED.

7. Stress, anxiety, and hypertension
A preoccupied mind or lingering stress or tension can easily interfere with one’s life. It could hamper the quality of sleep, appetite, interests, and sexual encounters.

One may not be able to put their finger on the underlying cause of ED, so it’s essential to make a note of medicines, physical activities, and exercises to understand the reason. And, of course, get tested for the above-mentioned diseases if not diagnosed yet.