6 Common Migraine-Triggering Foods

6 Common Migraine-Triggering Foods

A migraine headache is not a regular headache. It causes a variety of other symptoms, such as dizziness, nausea, and sensitivity to light and smell. The worst part is that what you choose to eat can trigger a migraine attack. Researchers have identified several foods that can trigger migraine headaches. Below, we’ve listed some common foods migraine sufferers must avoid. However, keep in mind that each person may have their own specific triggers.

1. Caffeine
Coffee is one of the well-known migraine triggers. Multiple studies have concluded that excessive caffeine consumption can lead to migraine headaches. The good news is drinking small amounts of coffee can help reduce the severity of headaches. If you’ve been drinking coffee for a long time, don’t stop it abruptly. Make sure to also avoid other drinks that contain caffeine, such as chocolates, tea, and soda.

2. Processed meats
These are one of the worst types of foods for people with migraines. Processed meats, such as hot dogs, bacon, salami, and luncheon meats, contain high levels of additives like sodium nitrates and nitrites to increase the shelf life of these foods. These additives are known migraine triggers, so it’s crucial to avoid processed foods. Instead, you can choose fresh, organic meats that are free from these chemicals.

3. Aged cheese
Aged cheese is delicious; but, if you have migraines, you should not have them on your plate. That’s because these cheeses are full of tyramines, which are amino acids that dilate blood vessels and can trigger a migraine. Some common cheeses to avoid include gorgonzola, camembert, cheddar, blue cheese, mozzarella, brie, feta, and swiss. Dairy products also give some people migraine headaches, so you may want to avoid them as well.

4. Monosodium glutamate
Monosodium glutamate, commonly referred to as MSG, is a flavor enhancer that has long been linked to various health problems, including headaches. Some experts say that MSG can excite the brain cells, causing unstable actions and damage, leading to migraine headaches. This additive is commonly found in nearly all Chinese recipes. However, not many people know that MSG is also found in store-bought frozen foods, broths, soups, and processed foods.

5. Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime, and tangerine contain significant amounts of tyramine, so it isn’t surprising that they are migraine triggers. What’s surprising is that not all migraine sufferers have problems with citrus fruits. So, if these foods are not triggering your migraine, you can have them. Also, to reduce the chances of headaches, experts recommend consuming citrus fruits fresh like freshly squeezed lemon juice.

6. Alcohol
Many types of alcohol, particularly red wine, are well-known migraine triggers. Red wine contains chemicals like histamine and tyramine, both of which have been found to cause headaches. Plus, they contain preservatives like sulfites, which can quickly induce a headache. In general, all types of alcohol cause chemical imbalances in the brain and body that can worsen the headache.