5 Hyperhidrosis Home Remedies

5 Hyperhidrosis Home Remedies

Hyperhidrosis causes heavy sweating. Due to this, the palms, face, underarms, and feet may constantly be clammy. Some even experience compensatory sweating in other parts of their body. While in severe cases one may need medication, it is also possible to treat the condition at home. Accordingly, here are a few home remedies for hyperhidrosis that can be used.

1. Tea tree oil application
This aromatic oil has tons of health benefits. From relieving stress to alleviating hyperhidrosis symptoms, tea tree oil is one of the best home remedies. To deal with excessive sweating, soak a few skin-friendly cotton balls into tea tree oil. Make sure to dilute the oil in water to avoid irritation and inflammation. Rub the soaked cotton balls on the sweat-prone areas of the body. Wash it off after a while.

2. Mixture of salt and lime
A concoction of lime and salt may sound a bit harsh for the skin. However, it has been found to be quite effective in treating hyperhidrosis at home. Mix some fresh lime juice with about some salt. Rub this mixture on the areas of the body that are highly prone to sweat. As the solution is highly acidic, make sure to do a skin test before using it. Also, avoid applying it over highly delicate areas and sensitive skin.

3. Coconut oil solution
Coconut oil is another beneficial home remedy for tons of ailments, from skin disorders to hair problems. Cold-pressed coconut oil is the best when it comes to treating heath disorders. To treat excessive sweating, use a solution of camphor and coconut oil. Dab the solution regularly under the arms, between the toes, on the palms, and over other areas of the body that are prone to sweating. Make sure to do an allergy test before using it on the skin.

4. Soak in tannins
Tannins are healthy compounds found in tea that led the beverage its dark color. For treating hyperhidrosis at home, soak some tea leaves in boiling water. Let it cool down. If the problems are sweaty hands, soak the hands in this cool tea water solution. This can be also poured over a bath to soak in for a while and treat other areas of the body that undergo severe sweating.

5. Drink wheat grass juice
Wheatgrass juice had several health benefits. It is rich in vitamins B6, B12, and C. Moreover, it contains a high amount of protein and folic acid as well. The drink helps in neutralizing the acids in the body and having a glass of the juice can help in getting relieve from the symptoms of hyperhidrosis. Make sure to consult a doctor before going on wheatgrass juice a day regime in case of preexisting health issues.

These home remedies are best in the case of a mild to moderate case of hyperhidrosis. In case of severe cases, they can be used alongside medication.